“I am immortal until God’s work for me to do is done.” –Henry Martyn
- How should knowing God will keep you alive until he is done with you change what you are most worried about?
- How should remembering He is the giver, sustainer, and sovereign of all your life help your worries?
- How (in the gospel) has God provided better than your worst worry?
- What activities have increased your worry during the current crisis? (Social Media, Conversations about Coronavirus, stat watching)
- How will you use time and energy for the kingdom this week instead of cultivating more worry?
- What acts of worry have you seen in your life this week? (Hoarding, isolation, alienation from others)
- What acts of faith will you engage in next week? (Giving, praying, encouraging others)
- How will you fight worry this week by seeking the kingdom? (Remembering the gospel, preaching the gospel, giving serving others)