Praise God that the empty tomb promises those who are united to Christ by faith a future resurrection and a kingdom where sin, sickness, pain, and death are no more.
Pray for our church to be encouraged by the resurrection hope we have in Christ.
Pray for our church to boldly proclaim the gospel to family, friends, neighbors, and co-workers.
Pray for our church to point others to Jesus, our resurrected Savior, by the way we model courageous, sacrificial love to one another and to the community.
Pray as we reflect and celebrate the resurrection that those who are feeling anxious and worried over the virus would be encouraged by the reality of death’s defeat in Jesus.
Pray for all of the logistics for our drive-in Easter service to run smoothly.
Pray for folks who may not typically attend church to watch our livestream or attend our drive-in service.
Pray for those who hear the gospel preached on Easter Sunday to trust in Christ alone for their eternal salvation.
Pray for the city of New Orleans and for Lakeshore Church as they minister the gospel in this pandemic.
Pray for our church planting partners in Ica, Peru and for Pastor Wilfredo Pardo and Family Bible Center Church in Ica to be protected from the virus and to have opportunities to share the gospel.
Pray forGod to provide spiritually and physically for our brothers and sisters in Christ in East Asia. Pray for the pandemic to end so that missionaries who have been relocated can return to East Asia.
Pray for our church planting partners in NOLA, PERU, and East Asia as they seek to celebrate the resurrection during this time.
Pray that they are encouraged in the Risen Christ and their witness is effective.
Praise God that because Jesus died and was raised from the dead we can have our sins forgiven and be reconciled to God by faith in Christ.