When our joy becomes enslaved or dependent upon anything other than Jesus we will live in disappointment instead of contentment. How have you experienced this in your life? What or who have you found yourself enslaved to and thus thoroughly disappointed? How has this time in quarantine exposed this in your life?
When I see my identity as a slave or servant of Jesus first and foremost my joy is dependent upon him and not my circumstances? How have you found joy in serving Jesus in very difficult circumstances? Who in your life has been an example of joy amidst pain and difficulty?
The joy we find in community must be rooted in Jesus and not our sameness. Gospel joy is experienced through unconditional love no matter our differences. How can you pursue such joy in church? How have you stolen the joy of others by maximizing differences instead of making much of Jesus?
Eternal joy is found in knowing the grace of having peace with God the father through the son. How will you cultivate more joy by meditating on this reality this week?
We experience more joy by pursuing the joy of others in the gospel. How will you speak grace into the lives of others this week for their joy? How will you remind others of the peace with have in Jesus this week for their joy?