When you suffer, do you ask for wisdom? How does understanding wisdom as Christlikeness change the way you ask for wisdom? How does this change the way you pray when you suffer?
When your faith is tested in suffering, do you in turn put God to the test? Is there a current situation in your life where you are tempted to put God to the test? (God is good if __________. Instead of God is good because of the gospel)
Is it possible to believe God is good when you suffer? Why?
Do you struggle with the “pride of life”? (placing eternal hope in the temporary) How do you specifically struggle with the pride of life? How has suffering exposed this in your life? How have you learned life is a vapor? How has this been good for your faith?
What kind of wisdom have you received from God through specific trials in the past?
In what specific circumstance of suffering do you need to stop trying to figure out yourself but ask the father for wisdom? How has the pain of suffering revealed this need in your life?