Genesis 29 Sermon Discussion Questions

What would you say have been some of the best and/or hardest detours in your life?

When you encounter disruptions to your plans what is your typical response?

Who are some people in your life who remind you of what God is like by blessing others but often going unrecognized?

What sorts of blessings from God are you prone to overlook that you need to acknowledge more often? 

What are some practical steps you will take to acknowledge God’s blessings more often throughout the day?

How have you experienced God’s discipline and been blessed by it or seen God use it in your life to bless others?

Think back to a recent detour in your life or disruption to your plans, how can you make sure you are a blessing to others the next time something like that happens?

How does Jesus’s death and resurrection encourage you that nothing can stop God’s plan for your life to bless you and make you a blessing?

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