Genesis 30-31 Sermon Discussion Questions

  • What circumstances are causing you to doubt that nothing can stop God from blessing you? What sin in your own life is causing you to doubt that God can bless you? How does the resurrection prove God’s blessings are unstoppable? How should reflecting on Ephesians 1:3-21 help you to remember the kingdom and all God has for you is secure in Christ.   
  • How have you experienced the turning of favor from the others? How does the truth that in Christ God’s favor is always toward you and will never turn away encourage you and give you hope as others turn from you? 
  • The truth is God is sovereign over what we don’t see. He is protecting us from things we don’t know about. How should this quell your worry over things you actually do see and know about?  
  • What accusations cause you the most pain in life? Are they the things that are untrue or true about you? Are they the unjust accusations you receive for standing for truth? What encouragement can you receive from the truths of Romans 8?
  • How has God plundered your idols and false gods? How has he proven the foolishness in trusting anyone or anything but Him?
By | 2024-09-21T12:58:43-04:00 September 21st, 2024|BFG, Blog, Genesis, The Beginning|Comments Off on Genesis 30-31 Sermon Discussion Questions