At the incarnation, God’s reason for all things was revealed in Jesus, the word. When it comes to your purpose, YOUR WHY, are you tempted to begin with something or someone other than Jesus? How have you learned that life must begin and end with Jesus?
Consider what it means that Jesus chose to live with us. How is God’s love in your life magnified when you consider Jesus has chosen to endure and die for your worst qualities and most sinful behavior not just to dwell us temporarily but to live with us forever?
We fall short of God’s glory in that we are sinful and not sovereign. Do you ever forget this reality? How do you ever act as if you are sinless (though you may not be aware or publicly acknowledge it)? How do you long to be sovereign, in complete control? How do these actions and thoughts cause you frustration and anxiety? Why is it easier to just look to Jesus as God’s glory in your place?
Jesus reveals God’s glory as His sinless sovereign Son. How might you more carefully be reminded of the glory Jesus has and is (sinless and sovereign)? Why should we remind ourselves that we do not deserve to see God’s sinless sovereign glory in Jesus? How does a deeper consideration of Jesus’ sinlessness and sovereignty magnify His grace in coming to live among us?
Moses wanted to see God’s glory instead of hearing God’s name and promises? All of God’s promises are yes and amen in Jesus. Are you tempted to want to see more of God than simply trusting Him in light of all He has done in Jesus? How might you reflect on God’s complete promises in Jesus?
What things do you tend to hope for instead of Jesus? Why is it true we love and serve others better when we expect less from them trusting Jesus most?