Psalm 96 Sermon Discussion Questions
The gospel compels us to to declare God’s praise and tell of his salvation in Jesus Christ to all nations, to all peoples, and even people who aren’t like us and who we naturally wouldn’t choose to be around. Who are you avoiding that you need to talk to about God’s glory and/or the gospel? How does the gospel encourage you to go to them and praise Jesus in your conversation with them? How will you recognize and praise the Lord’s glory to others in the various spheres of your life (at home, in your neighborhood, at school [...]
Philippians 3:12-16
Following Christ more closely means suffering for others more consistently. How might you press into Christlikeness by strategically serving outside my comfort zone? What relationships at this time are really inconvenient for you? How will you pursue joy in serving these specific people? What kind of things might you embrace that are scary and could even be risky for the sake of the gospel? Finishing well means refusing to look back. How are you tempted to look back on past accomplishments? How are you tempted to commiserate in past sin? How does this steal your joy in the present? [...]
Philippians 3:1-11 Sermon Discussion Questions
Making ‘good’ things necessary for salvation is cruel and unusual punishment. We weigh others down with requirements making them miserable here and now just so they can spend eternity in Hell. What good things do churches communicate are necessary to be accepted by God? What kinda things are more obvious? What things have you seen as more subtle requirements? Compared to Christ our righteousness before God is described as dung. Paul uses this phrase to graphically explain what a loss it would be to invest our eternity in our righteousness rather than Christ’s. In contrast with Paul how do [...]
Philippians 2:12-18 Sermon Discussion Questions
Paul defines God’s will for our life as - Christ - like humility displayed in sacrificial service for others. How are you tempted to define God’s will for your? Does the way you defined God’s will for your life hinder your sacrificial service of others? (Happiness / Comfort / Safety / Health) What things or circumstances do you believe God ‘wants’ for you that are more about you than others? Grumbling and complaining in the church should be seen as profanity. What does this mean? How are you tempted to grumble and complain? How is this “empty of God”? [...]
Philippians 2:1-4 Sermon Discussion Questions
We pursue unity in the church from our personal experience of the gospel. If our experience before God is only alienation, condemnation and demands, we will alienate, condemn, and demand more of others? How will you with the gospel fight your desire to alienate, condemn, and demand from others? How will you with the gospel purse unity through love, mercy, and compassion? Sameness is not unity. Unity is displayed through our gospel fellowship despite our differences. How do you struggle to see unity only in terms of sameness? How can you pursue unity with those who are different from [...]
Philippians 1:19-26 Sermon Discussion Questions
Our allegiance to the kingdom is to weight more than all other allegiances. What commitments, priorities, or allegiances in your life seem to have more weight that the gospel? How could / does this steal joy from you (and your family)? How will you give more weight to your allegiance to Jesus? Our lives are to match the worth or weight of the gospel. What areas of your life do you find the most lack of gospel gravity? What steps will you take to give your life (family, job, academics, friendships, etc) gospel worth? Joyful fellowship is found when [...]