Regathering: Guard Your Heart!
As we move toward resuming in person corporate worship. The priority for each and every Ashland attender must by our own hearts. Remember as the prophet Jeremiah declares, “The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately sick; who can understand it?” (Jeremiah 17:9 Therefore, we must be first and foremost concerned with our heart before we worry this the thoughts and actions of others. Here are some verses and application to help us do this very thing this week. This mystery is that the Gentiles are fellow heirs, members of the same body, and partakers of the promise [...]
Sermon Discussion Questions: Philippians 1:3-9
Paul finds joy in his prayers for the church in two ways. (1) He thanks God for what He has done in their lives. (2) He prays for what God has promised to do in their lives. Instead of complaining and doubting others, how might you pursue joy in praying in these ways for others. Be specific who and what are you gonna pray for this week. Suffering is often a platform for our witness. How have you seen this quarantine hinder your witness for Jesus? How might we use this quarantine as a platform for Jesus? How might [...]
Philippians 1:1-3 Sermon Discussion Questions
When our joy becomes enslaved or dependent upon anything other than Jesus we will live in disappointment instead of contentment. How have you experienced this in your life? What or who have you found yourself enslaved to and thus thoroughly disappointed? How has this time in quarantine exposed this in your life? When I see my identity as a slave or servant of Jesus first and foremost my joy is dependent upon him and not my circumstances? How have you found joy in serving Jesus in very difficult circumstances? Who in your life has been an example of joy [...]
1 Samuel 31 Sermon Discussion Questions
How are you committing spiritual suicide by telling your own story according to your own wisdom and desires? How will you remind yourself of the story God is telling in human history as revealed in His word? How can you be more committed to telling others His story? What things other than Jesus have you made “King” in your life? How has God shaken your security and joy in these things by taking them away or proving how fragile they may be? What ways has this proven difficult for you? What ways have you grown through this? How [...]
Resurrection Letters Vol. 1 Devotion: He Holds All Things Together Scripture: Colossians 1:15-20 Easter Devotion: Eric Turner The words from Andrew Peterson’s song All Things Together come from Colossians 1:15-20. The point of this incredible passage of Scripture is that there is nothing and no one in all of creation greater than Jesus Christ. There is no one greater or more important than Jesus. He is the exact visible representation of the invisible God. Since all the fullness of God was pleased to dwell in him, Jesus doesn’t merely show us what God is like, Jesus shows us who God is. Jesus is the firstborn of all [...]