Genesis 26 Sermon Discussion Questions
What areas of your life feel like a disappointing rerun? How does seeing your life in Christ and His story change the way you handle the disappointing reruns of life? What temporary broken cisterns of information or entertainment do you find yourself consuming the most? How do these things leave you empty and discontent? How do these things affect your relationship with others? What changes can you make to your daily consumption of information entertainment online activity (anything else) to make sure you are finding contentment in the provision of God, Himself? How should your pursuit of God each [...]
Genesis 15 Sermon Discussion Questions
What questions do you have for God? What struggles in your life are causing you to doubt God’s plans? What is causing you to pray, “I believe help my unbelief?” How does the doctrine of justification by faith alone in Christ alone give you confidence despite your sinful past and future struggles? How does God’s unconditional initiating love that called you to Himself give you security despite your daily struggles with sin? How does knowing because God called you to himself as a sinner and He’s not gonna abandon you as a son or daughter give you confidence in [...]
Genesis 14:1-14
What about current world events scares you the most? In what ways has the gospel and the story of God’s unstoppable kingdom encouraged you as you watch the world’s chaos unfold? How are you stealing glory from Jesus by trusting in yourself to fix your problems? Of what glory stealing forms of self righteousness are you most guilty? What would it look like to let go of such pride and let Jesus have the glory in rescuing you? What opportunities do you have to show courageous mercy? Who in your life needs mercy in light of life’s difficulty and [...]
Genesis 13 Sermon Discussion Questions
What habits do you need to cultivate daily and weekly to make sure you are going back to the begining with the gospel? What sin and or failures do you need to bring to God believing the gospel is as true for you as the first day you believed it? What conflicts are you currently in at work, school, or home in which you need to be the peacemaker? What would this look like? How does the gospel free you to forgive, show mercy, and speak with kindness in these situations? How have you been influenced by the world's [...]
Genesis 12:10-20 Sermon Discussion
What obstacle are you currently facing that seemingly stands in the way of you believing God is good and will do what he has promised? What would it look like for you to respond to these circumstances by faith in God’s goodness? What circumstances are you most tempted to lie? How is this displaying a lack of faith in God? How does the blessing of the gospel free you from lying before God and to others? In what tangible mercy have you experienced in situations where God had every right to withhold His goodness? How have you experienced God’s [...]
Genesis 12:1-9 Sermon Discussion Questions
How did you come to faith in Jesus? How did God’s amazing grace show up in your life? How did God order your steps to hear and believe the gospel? Are your next steps being ordered by God’s word or something else? What areas of life are being defined by something other than faith in God’s word? How have you seen a lack of time in the Bible diminish your faith? What changes can you make daily to be in God’s word, the Bible, to ensure you are living by faith in what God has said? What are the mundane [...]