Ashland Church Blog 2021-11-04T11:59:33-04:00

Genesis 10-11 Sermon Discussion Questions

Are there areas in your life where you deep down think you could do a better job than what God is currently doing? What circumstances are you facing in which you believe you make something better than God? Are there ways in which you are approaching God as if He exists for you? Does your worship and prayer life display the understanding you exist for God not God for you? How would the understanding that you exist for Him change the way you approach Him with your problems?  What towers of success or self righteousness are you tempted to [...]

By | March 16th, 2024|Categories: BFG, Blog, Genesis, The Beginning|Comments Off on Genesis 10-11 Sermon Discussion Questions

Genesis 9 Sermon Discussion Questions

In the past what were some changes to your circumstances that you were looking forward to the most for a fresh start (graduating, getting married, having kids/grandkids, new job, retiring, etc.)? Or what circumstances do you most wish you could change right now to get a fresh start? Why were/are those changes to your circumstances never good enough to give you real lasting joy? What promises have you made and broken to yourself and others the most about overcoming sin and getting a clean start? How do God's better promises give you the hope you need for real change? [...]

By | March 8th, 2024|Categories: BFG, Blog, Genesis, The Beginning|Comments Off on Genesis 9 Sermon Discussion Questions

Genesis 6:1-8 Sermon Discussion Questions

What do you the sins of your eyes, your desires, and your ambitions tell you about your heart?   How do you seek to cover the wickedness of your heart with image or appearance? How have you sought to fix your heart with good things or a self righteousness before others? How does these things hinder the comfort of grace in your life?   What is the difference in repenting of sin in brokenness because you believe God is holy, good, and right? And repenting just because you are fearful of the consequences of your sin?  Why are you comforted by [...]

By | February 24th, 2024|Categories: BFG, Blog, Genesis, The Beginning|Comments Off on Genesis 6:1-8 Sermon Discussion Questions

Genesis 4:17 – 5:24 Sermon Discusion Questions

How are you tempted to put your hope in the power of men instead of the name of the Lord? How has the wisdom, strength, or plans of men let you down? How has the strength of the Lord met your needs and more?  When are you most aware of your weakness? Does your weakness remind you to call on the Lord? How might you be more intentional about calling on the Lord in times of weakness?  Do you struggle to remember your mortality? Or are you overly fearful of your own mortality? In what ways do you struggle [...]

By | February 17th, 2024|Categories: BFG, Blog, Genesis, The Beginning|Comments Off on Genesis 4:17 – 5:24 Sermon Discusion Questions

Genesis 4:1-16 Sermon Discussion Questions

In your own words, what does it mean to approach God in humble faith? What does this look like practically in worship and prayer?  Are there sins in your life that you have tried to domesticate? How have you experienced the power of such sins to attack and destroy you?  Consider for a moment God allowing you to carry out your very worst thoughts and desires? What would this look like? What kind of destruction would it cause yourself and others? Stop and thank God for saving you from the path of your worst thoughts and desires?  Do you [...]

By | February 10th, 2024|Categories: BFG, Blog, Genesis, The Beginning|Comments Off on Genesis 4:1-16 Sermon Discussion Questions

Genesis 3:8-23 Sermon Discusion Questions

How have you felt gracious God’s pursuit of you? How has he pursued you through tragedy, difficulty, church, or friends? Have you ever tried to run from God in guilt? How did you try to hide from God because of your sin?  Are there certain sins in your life that you are blaming on others instead of owning it? Have you sought to blame God for specific sin or sinful responses to life’s circumstances? As brutal as the curse of death is, how have you experienced God’s grace in this world cursed by death? How has God used the [...]

By | February 3rd, 2024|Categories: BFG, Blog, Genesis, The Beginning|Comments Off on Genesis 3:8-23 Sermon Discusion Questions