Ashland Church Blog 2021-11-04T11:59:33-04:00

Genesis 1:26 -2:17 Sermon Discussion Questions

How are you using your life to give others life, nurture life, provide for and protect the lives of others? Do you forget the significance of these things in your life? What can you do to remind yourself of their importance?  How are you using your life to be like God to bring order to chaos in the world for the good of others? How does your job or career specifically bring order to chaos for the good of others?  What practices can you implement as you interact with others to be more in awe of God who has [...]

By | January 13th, 2024|Categories: BFG, Blog, Genesis, The Beginning|Comments Off on Genesis 1:26 -2:17 Sermon Discussion Questions

Colossians 3:18-4:1 Sermon Discussion Questions

SUPREMACY OF GOD IN MARRIAGE Where do you feel the tension between the Supremacy of Christ and other purposes you and your spouse may have given to your marriage? What practical ways will you make your marriage the priority of your home? (daily, weekly, monthly, annually)  Are there ways in which you are engaging your marriage as a more of a 50/50 partnership? In what specific ways will you seek to give yourself over 100% to your role and responsibility within marriage for the good of your spouse?  SUPREMACY OF GOD IN FAMILY Do you tend toward being overbearing [...]

By | December 2nd, 2023|Categories: BFG, Blog, Colossians, Marriage, Supremacy of Christ in all Things|Comments Off on Colossians 3:18-4:1 Sermon Discussion Questions

Colossians 3:5-11 Sermon Discussion Questions | Sanctification step one “kill and remove sin”

What sinful desires do you need to let die in your life? What specific things must you do to kill and make sure this sin dies?  What patterns and practices do you need to turn from so sinful desires in your life die?  In what situations are you struggling with anger, wrath, malice, slander, obscene talk, or lying? How might you decisively put this sin away in light of the gospel?  How have you experienced renewal in Christ that has removed specific sin from your life? In what areas do you long to be renewed in Christ? What disciplines [...]

By | November 11th, 2023|Categories: BFG, Blog, Colossians, Supremacy of Christ in all Things|Comments Off on Colossians 3:5-11 Sermon Discussion Questions | Sanctification step one “kill and remove sin”

Sermon Discussion Questions – Colossians 3:1-4

How does the “already-but-not-yet” reality of being “raised with Christ” give you hope? In what ways are you not setting your mind on the things above, the things of Christ? What’s taking up that space? What are some ways you can further set your mind on Jesus? What are some of the “old life” patterns or shadows that still exist in your life? What “new life” patterns can you start? What spiritual disciplines do you most struggle to do? Which are the easiest for you? Which are the hardest to enjoy? Which do you enjoy the most? Bible reading/study [...]

By | November 5th, 2023|Categories: BFG, Blog, Colossians|Comments Off on Sermon Discussion Questions – Colossians 3:1-4

Sermon Discussion Questions Colossians 2:6-8

Why is it crucial to see the Bible primarily as the story about Jesus? How should seeing the story of Jesus in the Bible from creation to new creation change the way you see the story of your life? How does this help you live in Him?   How do you struggle to live in Him? What difference would it make in your current struggles to seek to live by faith in Him?   What spiritual disciplines do you need to be more engaged in to make sure you are living by faith secure in Christ? How can you be more [...]

By | October 14th, 2023|Categories: BFG, Blog, Colossians, Supremacy of Christ in all Things|Comments Off on Sermon Discussion Questions Colossians 2:6-8

Colossians 1:24- 29 Sermon Discussion Questions

What are the “nows” in your life? What about your life now as a Christian would shock the person you were before you followed Jesus?  How might you declare the Supremacy of Christ by embracing inconvenience or difficulty to share Christ with others? Who are these people? How might you sacrifice to see the gospel taken to the nations? Where might you go? What might you do?  In light of the goal of presenting everyone complete in Christ, why is discipleship and long term ministry of the word so important for the church?  Are there certain aspects of the [...]

By | September 30th, 2023|Categories: BFG, Blog, Colossians, Supremacy of Christ in all Things|Comments Off on Colossians 1:24- 29 Sermon Discussion Questions