Ashland Church Blog 2021-11-04T11:59:33-04:00

Colossians 1:21-23 Sermon Discussion Questions

Would you say your relationship with God is characterized by peace? If not, why not? How does a true understanding of our status as former enemies of Jesus cause greater delight and gratitude in the gospel? Why is it important to remember that Jesus life, death, and resurrection was literal in flesh and blood? (There may be more than those listed in the sermon. List them and reflect on their importance.) How would you describe God’s current feelings toward you?  How should the cross inform this description? What does the gospel say about God's disposition toward you? What are [...]

By | September 23rd, 2023|Categories: BFG, Blog, Colossians, Supremacy of Christ in all Things|Comments Off on Colossians 1:21-23 Sermon Discussion Questions

Colossians 1:15-20 Sermon Discussion Questions

Why must our spirituality be summed up by the truth Jesus is King? What problems occur when we try to make Christianity more generic religious activity? How have you struggled to make Christianity more about you and less about Jesus? What things in your life have replaced Jesus as first priority? In what areas of life are you struggling to remember that Jesus is the why? What changes can you make to order your life in a very intentional way to declare Jesus is King, He is first, He is my why? What do you struggle to make supreme [...]

By | August 26th, 2023|Categories: BFG, Blog, Colossians, Supremacy of Christ in all Things|Comments Off on Colossians 1:15-20 Sermon Discussion Questions

Colossians 1:13-14 Sermon Discussion Questions

How are you tempted to live in the darkness that denies the reality Jesus is king? What does your story of being delivered from darkness look like? How did you come to see the supremacy of Christ in all things?  Why is it important to remember God’s promises to you are wrapped up in His love for Jesus? How does the Father’s love for Jesus bring you joy? In what ways are you living like a slave in self righteousness? Why do you think it hard for you to turn from such bondage?  How will you embrace the joy [...]

By | August 19th, 2023|Categories: BFG, Blog, Colossians, Supremacy of Christ in all Things|Comments Off on Colossians 1:13-14 Sermon Discussion Questions

Colossians 1:1-12 Sermon Discussion Questions

How are you tempted to treat Jesus as just another helpful generic spirit rather than supreme king of heaven and earth?  God’s will for your life is holiness (living set apart by making Jesus supreme) What areas in your life are you missing out on God’s will because you have made yourself King? Someone else King? Or Something King?  How is the ‘supremacy of self’ hindering your love for the people with whom you are closest (friends | family)? Why is putting hope in others who are insufficient of the love only Jesus can give cruel and unloving? How [...]

By | August 12th, 2023|Categories: BFG, Blog, Colossians, Supremacy of Christ in all Things|Comments Off on Colossians 1:1-12 Sermon Discussion Questions

James 5:13-20 Sermon Discussion Questions

What suffering is revealing your weaknesses at this time? Has this increased your prayer life? How can your BFG pray for you regarding suffering? What kind of goodness and blessing are you enjoying right now? Have you acknowledged this is God’s undeserved provision in your life? How can your BFG join you in praising God for this? Is there sin you have acted upon that has caused division among members of the body that you need to confess?  How can you cultivate habits of prayer in place of gossip, complaining, slander?  Do you ever experience a temptation to wander [...]

By | May 20th, 2023|Categories: BFG, Blog, James, Live the Word|Comments Off on James 5:13-20 Sermon Discussion Questions

Jame 5:7-12 Sermon Discussion Questions

In what contexts or situations is your patience being tested the most? Why? How should the imminent return of Christ help you to exercise patience in these situations? Is there a certain person or group of people with whom you are most impatient? Why? How should the imminent return of Christ cause you to be slow to anger toward these people? What situations of injustice or oppression that cause you to long for the return of Christ? How should the imminent return of Christ inform your prayers for these situations? Are there certain daily habits that increase your impatience [...]

By | April 29th, 2023|Categories: BFG, Blog, James, Live the Word|Comments Off on Jame 5:7-12 Sermon Discussion Questions