Nehemiah 6 Sermon Discussion Questions
Describe how your life fits within God’s promise to be faithful to His people. How is God using you to fulfill this promise in the world? What is the enemy’s most effective tool to distract you from what God has called you to do? What are the normal patterns of this distraction in your life? How might you fight to stay focused on God’s mission despite this distraction? (Include practical suggestions) How do the things you are most worried about distract you from God’s mission in your life? How would prayer and work guard your heart from anxiety? What [...]
Nehemiah 5 Sermon Discussion Questions
How do we tend to use the disadvantages of others for our advantage in the church? How are you tempted to keep score when you serve others? How does God’s unconditional faithfulness change this? Are there ways in which you distracting others from Jesus’ mission by enslaving them with your demands? How can you be a tangible reminder of God’s faithfulness in the life of someone who may be struggling this week? (Be specific) In what ways do you seek to give just enough (according to the rules) instead of beyond what is expected? How can does God’s faithfulness [...]
Nehemiah 3-4 Sermon Discussion Questions
What kind of conflict or disagreements do you tend to take the most personally? What type of responses do these conflicts invoke from you? Why is this? How does seeing your life in light of God’s plan to show his faithfulness to his people (Ephesians 1:21, Revelation 5:9, Matthew 28:19) keep us from making every conflict personal? What conflict or opposition in your life do you need to simply trust God with in prayer? Are there areas in your life in which you are tempted to be unfaithful? How would remembering God’s faithfulness in light of the gospel change [...]
Nehemiah 2 Sermon Discussion Questions
As you have considered God’s faithfulness, what are some specific ways God has displayed his faithfulness in your life? How have you seen God’s faithful this week? Has God's faithfulness ever led you to a specific courageous next step of faithfulness? How did God prove faithful in light of this decision? What opportunities or doors has God opened for you to act courageously? What provision has God blessed you with that need to be stewarded for His glory? In what ways has God displayed His faithfulness to you through the church? How does His faithfulness in the church give [...]
Nehemiah 1 Sermon Discussion Questions
What situations are you tempted to compromise God’s glory for comfort and security? Are there burdens in your life that distract from being devoted to God’s glory? What would it mean for each of these burdens to see them as opportunities to make Jesus supreme? What circumstances do you most doubt God’s goodness? How does God’s faithfulness in Jesus change the way you see these circumstances? How should God’s faithfulness despite your unfaithfulness cause your to serve His purposes with greater faithfulness? Why are we frustrated when we approach life by saying, “Here’s my plan. God be faithful to it.” [...]
1 Kings 19:19-21 Sermon Discussion Questions
Why is submission necessary for discipleship, for disciples, and for disciple-makers? How does failure to faithfully submit to Jesus as his disciple make it harder to make faithful disciples? What bad examples are you setting for your disciples and other Christians that by God’s grace you will repent of and submit to Jesus? Who are you personally discipling? How will you submit to Jesus to make disciples this year? How will you personally be involved in discipling college students this year? What will that look like practically for you in the days ahead? What are some of the greatest [...]