Easter Prayer
Praise God that the empty tomb promises those who are united to Christ by faith a future resurrection and a kingdom where sin, sickness, pain, and death are no more.
Pray for our church to be encouraged by the resurrection hope we have in Christ.
Pray for […]
Prayer Guide
- Pray for the end of the spread of this virus
- Pray for healing for those who are sick
- Pray for protection from the virus
- Pray for our church to live by faith and not by fear
- Pray for our church to have wisdom and unity
- Pray for our […]
CORONAVIRUS (COVID-19): Ashland Church’s Plans, Precautions, and Above All The Gospel!
As of today, our congregational worship services will be suspended until further notice.
But, church isn’t canceled. It can’t be.
The church is a people, the blood-bought Bride of Christ who is His hands and feet in the world. We will continue to live stream the preaching of God’s Word, […]