Event Series Men’s Gathering (Ashland Men)

Men’s Gathering (Ashland Men)

Ashland Church 700 South Keeneland Drive, Richmond, KY, United States

Ashland Men meet on the first Saturday of every month at 10:00 AM. Each meeting includes teaching as well as specific assignments for the next month. We’re challenged to engage in Bible reading and prayer. We’re tasked with specific leadership assignments in our families, work, and school. We seek [...]

Fall Fest

Ashland Church 700 South Keeneland Drive, Richmond, KY, United States

Make plans to join us for Fall Fest on Sunday, October 26th from 5-7 PM at Ashland Church (700 S Keeneland Dr.)! Square Dancing, Trunk 'r Treat (indoors), Photo Booth, Chili Cook-Off, And MORE!

Event Series Men’s Gathering (Ashland Men)

Men’s Gathering (Ashland Men)

Ashland Church 700 South Keeneland Drive, Richmond, KY, United States

Ashland Men meet on the first Saturday of every month at 10:00 AM. Each meeting includes teaching as well as specific assignments for the next month. We’re challenged to engage in Bible reading and prayer. We’re tasked with specific leadership assignments in our families, work, and school. We seek [...]

Christmas Eve Candlelight Service

Join us on Christmas Eve from 5:00-6:00 PM for a special candlelight service as we celebrate the Light of the World who was given for us!

Cross Conference

If you are 18 to 25 years old we want you to join us along with thousands of other young people January 1 - 3 for the 2026 Cross Conference in Louisville, KY! You'll hear powerful messages from John Piper, David Platt, Shai Linne, Carl Trueman, and more! Over [...]