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In Revelation 7:9 we get an extraordinary glimpse into the future when all Christians from all people groups will gather together before the throne of King Jesus and worship him with fullness of joy for eternity. God’s vision of the future is meant to inspire the church to make disciples of all nations right now, in the present, for the glory of God and the joy of all peoples.
We want everyone at Ashland Church to be witnesses who passionately pray, boldly witness, sacrificially give, and eagerly go together so that disciples will be made of all the nations gathered here in Richmond and spread to the ends of the earth for the glory of God and the joy of all peoples.
So now the only question is: Where will you go?
Fill out the Go Form at the bottom of the page to let us know which opportunity you’re interested in and someone will follow up with you soon!
During spring break, we want to send a small team to serve and encourage our brothers and sisters in Christ and share the gospel with people in Peru. While beneficial, it is not necessary to speak Spanish.
This summer we have the opportunity to continue to serve in New Orleans and assist North American Mission Board church planters to plant more churches throughout the city. Our Ashland Church team will spend a week in New Orleans serving the local church and sharing the gospel with the lost. This is a great short-term opportunity for Christians of all ages and for those who have never been on a mission trip before.
In the second half of the year, we will be assisting with a medical outreach event alongside Iglesia Bíblica Cristiana Ayacucho to serve the needy and make the gospel known. Some medical expertise or Spanish speaking ability required.
College students can make the most of their school breaks by going to strategic cities in North America to work alongside church planters with the North American Mission Board. GenSend Breaks are designed for college students to spend a week of their spring, fall, summer, or winter break sharing the gospel and making disciples. To learn more visit:
College students can serve for 6 to 8 weeks during the summer to help our work as a church to plant churches in New Orleans through the GenSend program with the North American Mission Board. They will be trained and work alongside local church planters to share the gospel and make disciples in the city of New Orleans. To learn more visit:
https://www.gensend.org/summer/Serve alongside missionaries Rick and Donna Martin and get experience in international church planting. Learn how to work in and through a church plant to share the gospel and make disciples in a cross-cultural setting. Some Spanish required. Length of time and dates are flexible.
Join missionaries Rick and Donna Martin and their church plant IBC Ayacucho and help lead their English language outreach. You will teach English informally (English clubs, conversation partners, etc) and build relationships to connect the lost in Ayacucho to Christ and to the church. No teaching experience or degree required. High school level Spanish is sufficient.
College students and young adults can serve 6-10 weeks over the summer or 4 weeks over winter break alongside church planting teams in various international locations. This is an excellent way to experience church-centered missions and practice cross-cultural evangelism. To learn more visit:
https://rtim.org/go/practicum/18-25 year olds can spend a gap year playing a vital role in the Great Commission while simultaneously gaining valuable ministry experience and opportunities to grow in your faith with our partners at Radius International. To learn more visit:
https://radiusinternational.org/gapyear/ If you have a heart for a specific location or people group not listed above and want to go, there are many mid-term opportunities available through like-minded sending organizations. Tell us where you want to be sent and we’ll help you find an opportunity.
We have sent families from our church to New Orleans to join Lakeshore Church and work to share the gospel, make disciples, and plant more churches. We are looking for lead church planters and church planting team members to move to New Orleans to plant churches.
Missionaries have been sent from our church to live in Peru and work in church planting. In the past, we have had missionaries in Cordova and Ica. We are looking for singles, couples, and families to move to Peru to strengthen existing churches, train leaders, and help plant new churches.
If you have a heart for a specific location or people group not listed above and want to go, there are many long-term opportunities available through like-minded sending organizations. Tell us where you want to be sent and we’ll help you find an opportunity.