We want to help women live out the gospel in light of what the Bible teaches about womanhood in the context of the local church. One of the primary ways we believe this happens is through multi-generational discipleship relationships.
As a ministry, our desire is to see these discipleship relationships develop and flourish through both formal ministry events and also informally as women serve together in the context of the church.
Monthly Gatherings
A time when we gather for worship through song, Christ-centered teaching, coffee, and dessert. We meet at 7 PM on the first Tuesday of each month during the Fall and Spring semesters.
Equipped Groups
An Equipped Group is a group of 4-6 women that meet for 6-8 weeks to study a recommended book or resource that has been approved by our church staff. The goal is being equipped in the knowledge of God as revealed in His Scriptures while becoming skilled at applying His wisdom to our lives by the power of His Spirit in light of the gospel. Groups meet at various times throughout the week and in various locations throughout Madison County.
One-on-One Discipleship (Mentoring)
We encourage women to regularly be involved in intentional discipleship relationships. Often these relationships naturally develop in the context of Bible Fellowship Groups (small groups), Equipped Groups, or by serving together on various ministry teams in the context of the church. The Women’s Ministry Leadership team is also available and would love to help get you connected in this area. Just let us know and we’ll have someone contact you!
Special Events
Throughout the year we host special events such as women’s worship nights, Bibles and Breakfast, and other events that promote Christ-centered fellowship among women.
To see upcoming events, please visit ashland.church/events.
For more information about women’s ministry at Ashland, please contact Mary Colliver at mary@ashland.church.