Jesus told his disciples in Acts 1:8, “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.” Jesus said that all of his disciples would be witnesses. We are to start being witnesses and making disciples of all nations locally where we are and take the gospel from here to the ends of the earth. There are many opportunities to make disciples of all nations right here in Richmond.
If you would like more information about any of these opportunities or have other opportunities you would like to suggest please contact Eric Turner at eric@ashland.church.
Invite your international friends, neighbors, classmates, or coworkers to one of our many outreach events throughout the year such as VBS, Fourth on the Farm, or Fall Fest. Some internationals may feel more comfortable at one of these events rather than a worship service (but invite them to both!). These events are a great way to get them connected to more of our church family. You can find out about upcoming events during announcements on Sunday mornings, online at our website (ashland.church/events), or on social media (Facebook & Instagram).
There are children all across our nation in need of adoption and foster care and there are even more beyond our borders. Unlike in America, there are orphans growing up in countries where there are no churches or where they will never have the opportunity to hear the gospel. When we adopt children into our family from across the world, we reflect what God is doing through the gospel as he adopts spiritual orphans from all nations into his family as his sons and daughters. Grants and financial assistance are available. There are several excellent Christian adoption agencies to choose from including Nightlight Christian Adoptions and Lifeline Children’s Services.
There are many restaurants and grocery stores with cultural foods and products for sale from different nations. Try a restaurant from a different culture each month or become a regular and get to know the staff. Find out where they are from, how long they have been living here, what they think about Richmond, if they go to church, and if they would like to come to church with you! Offer to help them in any way you can.
Each Thursday night at 6:00 pm during the fall and spring semesters, EKU Baptist Campus Ministries hosts a free meal for college students at the BCM (325 University Drive). Invite an international student or go and make friends with one at the meal.
Affirm is a local nonprofit health clinic that provides free medical services and parenting classes for those experiencing unplanned pregnancy. They give information and counsel to help parents make wise decisions and save the lives of the unborn. They regularly serve internationals. You can support the Pregnancy Help Center or learn more at affirmlifeky.org.
Madison County’s local food bank provides supplemental and emergency food to approximately 1,600 families, including internationals. They also provide 1,750 backpacks with weekend meals for students from 19 area schools. You can find out more about serving or giving to God’s Outreach at godsoutreach.org.
Around the world, hospitality is an important part of many cultures. Invite neighbors, coworkers, students, and others you meet from the nations into your home for a meal. Holidays are a great time to do this! Many internationals have never experienced local holidays with an American family or don’t have friends or family to enjoy them with. Ask them about what food, holidays, and traditions are like in their cultures. Explain why we celebrate holidays like Christmas and Easter.
Grace’s Closet is a resource pantry for foster care parents in Madison County and the surrounding area. They provide foster parents with items like children’s clothing, car seats, diapers, wipes, diaper bags, high chairs, cribs, and more. They are open Saturdays from 10 am to 2 pm and always need more donations and volunteers! To find out how you can serve, email Angie and Jamie Boggs at raisingarrowsministry@gmail.com.
For over 30 years, EKU has hosted an international banquet where EKU International students perform cultural dances and songs and serve traditional food from their countries. This event is open to the community and is typically in April. This is a great opportunity to meet international students and learn about their cultures. For more information, contact the EKU International Students Department at 859-622-2996.
Join hundreds of other families in Kentucky who host international high school students for a few weeks or months. Welcome them into your family and give them an opportunity to see the gospel displayed in your daily life. For more information, go to chinet.org or call 1-888-CHI-HOST.
Serve the homeless in Madison County at Madison Home by helping clean up, organize, and distribute supplies at their clothing closet. Or help monitor the building during operating and lunch program hours. For more information, contact Melissa Slone at melissasloneca@gmail.com