Whether you’re on-campus, in the work world, or a little of both at Ashland Church we want all college students and young adults to live for Christ, for the church, for the world, for life!

We want all young adults to be able to say with the Apostle Paul, “For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain,” (Philippians 1:21) and really mean it! There is no one greater and there is no one more important than Jesus. Jesus changes everything and he is changing the lives of young adults for his glory and for their good. He lived the perfect life we were supposed to live and he died the shameful death we deserved to die. Now, he calls everyone to take up their cross and follow him by faith. Following Jesus doesn’t make life easier, but it does make it better forever.
Want to learn more about following Jesus? Start a conversation with someone from our church right here.

It’s in the church where multi-generational discipleship flourishes. It’s the environment where young and old come together to be pushed towards greater love for and faithfulness to Jesus. You need people in your life who’ve walked with Jesus for 30 years longer than you. You need to see married couples following Jesus together. You need to see parents striving to raise their kids to love Jesus. You need to walk alongside folks nearing the end of their lives who praise God as they head to meet Him. And just as much as you need them, they need you. The family called “church” is where all of this happens.
Get connected to Ashland by filling out a digital connect card here.

Jesus said that we are his witnesses (Acts 1:8) and he commanded us to go and make disciples of all nations (Matthew 28:18-20). That starts with your lost classmates and coworkers right here in Madison County, but it doesn’t stop there! At Ashland Church our vision is to send young adults out from Richmond to make disciples in New Orleans, Peru, and to the ends of the earth!
Discover how you can make your life count and make the name of Jesus known around the world at: www.ashland.church/missions

It’s our prayer that all of the young adults at Ashland Church will follow Christ every day until their dying breath. We aim to train and disciple them to that end. We focus on teaching them the Word of God, embracing biblical friendship in our Bible Fellowship Groups, and cultivating a life of serving others in the church and to the ends of the earth. We call these our Essentials.
Check out www.ashland.church/essentials to learn more about the Essentials at Ashland.
Want to meet with someone for discipleship or make disciples at Ashland? Sign up at: www.ashland.church/discipleship

Access is a weekly discipleship opportunity for college students and young adults ages 18 to 25 immediately following the worship gathering. Our Bible Fellowship Groups provide a free lunch and our pastors and special guests discuss what the Bible says about essential topics for young adults and answer any and all questions anonymously sent in via text. Want to ask a question? Text (707) 726-6250.
Spring 2025 Access Schedule
Jan 19 – God is Triune
Jan 26 – God is Holy
Feb 2 – God is Love
Feb 9 – God is Sovereign
Feb 16 – NO ACCESS
Feb 23 – God is Wrathful
Mar 9 – God is Good
Mar 16 – NO ACCESS
Mar 23 – God is Omnipresent
Mar 30 – God is Omniscient
Apr 6 – God is Omnipotent
Apr 13 – God is Just
Apr 20 – NO ACCESS
Apr 27 – God is Jealous

If you are 18 to 25 years-old, we want you to join us along with thousands of other young adults January 1 – 3 for the 2026 Cross Conference in Louisville, KY! You’ll hear powerful messages from God’s Word from John Piper, Shai Linne, David Platt, Carl Trueman, and more! Learn more at: www.crosscon.com

Make the most of your summer by making disciples and being discipled in the context of your local church! Spend the summer being discipled one-on-one by older godly men and women and in special young adult Equipped Groups. Serve and grow on a week-long mission trip to New Orleans (optional) and reach lost kids and families in Madison County with the gospel through our largest outreach event of the year at VBS! Have fun with your friends and make new ones at multiple outings and day trips throughout the summer.
Cost including NOLA Mission Trip: $200*
Cost excluding NOLA Mission Trip: Free
*Grants are available for Ashland Church members needing financial assistance through the Ends of the Earth Summer Mission Trip Grant Application which may either significantly lower or remove all cost.
SIGN UP BY MAY 15: www.ashland.church/sentsummer